Check PESCO bill online at This is free website where you can get PESCO duplicate bill. Here you can check latest pesco wapda bill by entering reference number. You can quickly see the bill amount and due date and also see the full bill and print duplicate copy or download the pesco electricity bill. Please enter your reference number below to check the pesco online bill:
-- New PESCO bills for due date up to April-02-2025 are available to download
Here you can get a pesco duplicate bill for the month of March 2025, and if you are looking for older bill for February 2025, you can check in the old bill history. You can check the bill amount and also download pesco kpk bill in pdf or jpeg format for your local backup or later use.
If you want to check if your bill is paid or not, you can call the PESCO helpline, provide them with your reference number and they will confirm the bill payment. Furthermore, if you are using any banking app that supports bill payment, you can check the bill status there to see if your bill was paid or not.
You can also check other companies bill if you are not a PESCO consumer:
IESCO Bill Online GEPCO Bill Online HESCO Bill Online | FESCO Bill Online MEPCO Bill Online SEPCO Bill Online | LESCO Bill Online QESCO Bill Online TESCO Bill Online |
You can check PESCO bijli bill by 14 digit reference number which can be found on any old bill copy. If you want to check your new bill by name or cnic, then you may need to visit the nearest customer services office. If you don’t know where to find reference number, please see the highlighted area in the picture below:
Use this reference number for PESCO consumer bill inquiry. You can see the bill detail, and all other information about your bill by entering the reference in input field above. You can even download the bill image in the full bill preview page. Just enter reference number, click on ‘View Full Bill’, and then click on ‘Download’ button to download pesco e bill image.
You can also calculate estimate bill amount by using this PESCO bill calculator.
Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) maintains electricity distribution system from Bannu to Swat including Khyber, Peshawar, Mardan and Hazara Divisions. It provides electricity to over 2.6 million consumers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. PESCO owns and maintains electricity distribution system via 132 and 66KV sub-transmission lines, sub stations, and 11KV and 440V low tension lines with distribution transformers that deliver electricity to your home and business.
PESCO is divided into following eight circles:
Bannu | Hazara-1 |
Hazara-2 | Khyber |
Mardan | Peshawar |
Swabi | Swat |
To check pesco electricity bill, you must have the reference number. The reference number is the only requirement to get pesco duplicate bill. There is no way to check it by name, or national identity card (NIC/CNIC). If you want to get your Pesco bijli bill by cnic, or meter number, you will have to visit the nearest customer services center where related staff can help you.
You can check pesco online bill on official site (www pesco gov pk), but at we have made it easy for pesco wapda consumers who can easily view their bill amount and due date (last date) easily on any device (mobile/desktop), and furthermore they can view full bill, and download the pesco kpk bill for free.
Of course, you can pay PESCO bill offline by visiting any bank with hard copy of the bill. If you did not receive copy of your bill, or lost it, you can download duplicate copy here. Here are the offline payment options:
If you are a bank account holder, then you can install related bank app on your mobile and check if that app supports pesco online bill payment. Here is list of banks that support PESCO online bill payment:
By using bank apps, you can also check bill status that either your bill was paid or not.
You can call 111-000-118 to contact PESCO headquarter. Read more about pesco helpline here.
Can I calculate PESCO bill online?Yes, you can calculate estimate bill amount by entering consumed units by using pesco bill calculator.
How can I get duplicate PESCO wapda bill?You can get pesco duplicate bill at by entering 14 digit reference number.
Can I check pesco e bill without reference number?You can not check pesco electricity bill with name, cnic, address or meter number. Reference number is necessary to check pesco bill online, otherwise you can call helpline or visit the nearest office.
How can I change name on my bill?You can apply for name change in PESCO office. The process to change name is same like new connection.
How to check if my bill is paid or not?Currently, this feature is not publicly available. However, you can call helpline to confirm the bill payment.
What is FPA in PESCO meter bill?FPA is Fuel Price Adjustment. It's a variable amount that can be added to your bill based on fuel prices fluctuation.
Can I check old bills online?No, currently this feature is not available online. But you can visit the PESCO headquarter to get old bills record.
What is PESCO detection bill?A 'Detection Bill' is served for:
1. Illegal abstraction of electricity or consumption of energy.
2. Direct hooking or electricity theft.
3. On account of slowness of electricity meter.
Visit, enter reference number to check quick bill, then open full bill and there you can download pesco wapda bill for free.
Can I get PESCO Peshawar electricity bill via SMS?Currently we are offering bill email service. You can subscribe to monthly bill by entering reference number and email address.
You can contact us if you have any other queries.